Chamfer Point to Point ( Modeling )

Tool summary :

  • Bevels the edge of a material between two points that you locate. A third point sets the chamfer depth direction.
  • The points that you locate in 4a , 5a and 6a can give you the flexibility to chamfer partial edges of a material or chamfer the interial edge of, for example, an HSS material.
  • Entries to " Chamfer depth " " Chamfer width " and " Chamfer angle " that are made on the Chamfer Point to Point window control the profile of the bevel.
  • A chamfer operation is usually done for weld prepration.
  • See the step-by-step instructions and to undo a Chamfer operation .

Also see :

  • Modeling (where Chamfer Point to Point is a tool)
  • A solid form (material to cut needs to be in)
  • Chamfer Edge (alternative to Chamfer Point to Point )
  • Perform chamfer ( Edit Weld(s) window)
  • On Polygon Line (default point locator for Chamfer Point to Point )
  • Model completed ( Chamfer Point to Point cannot be used on material whose member has this date set)
  • DSTV (automatically CNC downloads chamfer operations)

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   Step-by-step instructions :

The following instructions assume that you are using a 3-button mouse. You must do either step 1c (preselection) or step 3 (in-tool selection) to perform this operation.

1 . Before using this tool:

1a : Make sure that the material you want a chamfered edge on is displayed in one of the three solid forms .

1b : Go to an isometric view that shows the length, width and depth of the desired chamfer operation.

Select Items bindings (step 1c)

1c (optional) : With the appropriate selection filter selected, place the mouse pointer ( ) on the material you want to chamfer, then left-click ( Select ). When selected, the material will be displayed in the User and Site Options > Modeling > " Primary selection color ," which by default is green. Alternative: If you don't want to change selection filters, right-click ( Menu ) and choose " Select other " on the menu , then select the material that you want.

2 . Invoke Chamfer Point to Point using any one (1) of the following methods:

Methods 1, 2 & 3 : Click the icon, or use a keyboard shortcut, or use the context menu. A Chamfer Point to Point icon can be added to your toolbar (classic) or ribbon (lightning). The icon, keyboard shortcut or context menu command can be found in the group named ' Model -- Material '. For lightning, Customize Interface is used to configure ribbons, keyboards, the context menu and modes.

Method 4 : If " Modeling layout style " is ' Classic ', you can use the menu system to choose Model > Material > Chamfer Point to Point .

3 . Skip this step if you already selected a material in step 1c.

Select One Item bindings

3a (if you didn't preselect a material) : Chamfer Point to Point gives you Select One Item mouse bindings and prompts you to " Select material ." This prompting also occurs if a member, bolt or weld (rather than material) was selected in step 1c. Go to step 4.

4 . Locate - Pan - Cancel mouse bindings become active. The status line prompts, "Locate chamfer end." The point locator On Polygon Line becomes active.


Locate chamfer length

4a : Left-click ( Locate ) one end of the length you want to chamfer (pt1 in the example above). Then left-click ( Locate ) the opposite end of that length.

Tip: You can optionally chamfer part of a material edge. You can even locate points that are interior to the edges of materials.

5 . The first point that you located in step 4a (pt1 in the examples) is used as the base point for designating the width direction. The status line prompts, " Locate width direction " On Polygon Line continues to be the active point locator.


Locate width direction

5a : Left-click ( Locate ) a point that designates a direction away the length you designated in step 4a. This sets the direction of the " Chamfer width " that you will enter in step 7 .

Tip: Since the " Camber depth " is perpendicular to the " Camber width ," the directional point that you locate here also defines the " Camber depth " direction. Step 6 sets the side of the " Camber depth ."

6 . The status line prompts, " Locate depth direction ." Locate - Pan - Cancel mouse bindings remain active. On Polygon Line continues to be the active point locator.


Locate depth direction

6a : Left-click ( Locate ) a point that designates a direction away from the length you located in step 4a. The located point identifies the side of the camber length that the " Chamfer depth " entered in step 7 will be on.

Tip: This depth direction does not have to be exact. The point you locate in this step only sets the side of the " Chamfer depth " with respect to the length. The " Chamfer depth " dimensional orientation is perpendicular to the " Chamfer width ."

7 . The Chamfer Point to Point window opens. Enter a " Chamfer depth " and either a " Chamfer width " or a " Chamfer angle ."

Chamfer depth:
Chamfer width:
Chamfer angle:

Chamfer depth: The distance (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ) from the length that you designated in step 4a to the point where you want the chamfer to end. " Chamfer depth " is perpendicular to the " Chamfer width " and is on the side of the chamfer length that is the depth direction designated in step 6a .

Chamfer width: The distance (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ) from the edge located in step 4a to the new edge on that same surface that results after the chamfering takes place. The " Chamfer width " is parallel with the width direction designated in step 5a . This distance is calculated automatically when you enter a " Chamfer depth " and a " Chamfer angle ."

Chamfer angle: The number (of degrees) that defines the angle of the chamfering. This angle is calculated automatically when you enter a " Chamfer depth " and a " Chamfer width ." The value you enter must be greater than 0 (positive) and less than 90.

Report Writer: XXXXX . BeveledEdgeCount
Report Writer: XXXXX . BeveledEdgeLength
Report Writer: XXXXX . BeveledEdgeLengthDimension

Alternative 1 : Press " OK " to go to step 8.

Alternative 2 : Press " Cancel " to end this operation without chamfering the edge of the material. Do not continue.

8 . Chamfer Point to Point shows the material edge as chamfered. The status line prompts, "Verify material chamfer." Yes - No mouse bindings become active.


Alternative 1 : Left-click ( Yes ) to accept the edge chamfering that is shown. Go to step 9.

Alternative 2 : Right-click ( No ) to end this operation without chamfering the edge. Do not continue.

9 . The Change All Options window opens. On it is the message: " Material will be chamfered ."

Alternative 1 : Make the appropriate selections on this window to apply the chamfer to the one piece of material, or all like material on all like members with or without the same piecemark, then press the " OK " button. Go to step 10.

Alternative 2 : Press the " Cancel " button to end this operation without chamfering the edge. Do not continue.

10 . The material is regenerated and chamfered to your specifications. Other similar materials are also chamfered if you designated such in step 9. The mouse bindings that were active before you invoked Chamfer are again active.

a plate with a chamfered edge  

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   To undo a Chamfer Point to Point :

1 . Open the chamfered material's edit window (e.g. double-click the material with the selection filter set to ' Material ' or ' Legacy Default ', or hover the material and right-click ( Menu ) and choose " Edit Other " on the context menu ).

1a : Press the " OK " button at the bottom of the material edit window.

2 . A yes-no dialog opens. On it is the question, "Do you want to regenerate this material to clear user modified material operations?

2a : Press the " Yes " button.

3 . The Change All Options window opens. On it is a " Warnings " list and " Options ."

3a : Optionally select the " Options " you want, then press the " OK " button.

4 . The material is regenerated per the settings on its edit window. In other words, the chamfered edge goes back to being a squared edge.

Note: If other pieces with the same submaterial piecemark exist in the 3D model and you selected the appropriate " Options ," then other materials are also regenerated as specified on the edit window.

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